
ISM001 Assignment 2~The Fighters' Universe

This game is a upper-level version of "Simple Text Fighter". Basicly, the rule is similar to the "Simple Text Fighter", except:
(1) The initial power of each player is 10;
(2) In this game, two more players "Boss Player" have created;
(3) Boss players are more resistant to attacks, they will gain double the power difference on win and lose half the power difference on loss;
(4) In each round of fight, two players will be selected to fight by random, if the selected players are same or is dead, random again;
(5) There is a chance that the power to be reduced is not an integer. In that case, take the integer part (e.g. 4.5 is rounded down to 4);
(3) At the begin and the last of fight, it will show the power of all players.

The java source code of The Fighters' Universe:
-- Player: http://hk.geocities.com/tomgundam2004/Player.java
-- BossPlayer: http://hk.geocities.com/tomgundam2004/BossPlayer.java
-- FightersUniverse: http://hk.geocities.com/tomgundam2004/FightersUniverse.java

Here are the java file and class file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lfqqgo

The screenshot of the java output:

ISM001 Project~Fractal generator


This is a Java Applet to output a simple fractal generator. The generator will produce a colored fractal pattern.

The java source code of cMandelbrot:

Here are the java file and class file:
-- cMandelbrot.java
-- cMandelbrot.class

The screenshot of the java output:

source code from : http://pastebin.ca/705929
and edited by Tom Ho